Thursday, April 3, 2014

10 Inspirational Logo Design Trends of 2014

A logo is a primary object, which defines a brand and represents a company. Thus, it is the essential element, which determines the perspective of a company. The prevailing conventions are broken and professional designers have come up with new trends in logo designing. Remarkable designs can boost the website's credibility. It can create an identity for the brand and lead to immediate recognition.
However, originality, uniqueness, inspirational and beautiful logos are always in vogue. We can find creativity at its best in the amazing logo designs that have evolved in 2014. It will not surprise us, if it never goes out of fashion.
1. Overlaps
This style involves objects to overlap into each other yet making a beautiful creation in the end. It is capable of adding depth to the design, which makes it more interesting if worked on the color combination properly.
2. 3D in 2D
The impact of 3D is always greater than 2D and this style involves a 3D design in a 2D way. The logos are not third dimensional, but the color combination is done in such a way that it creates a powerful 3D effect.
3. Negative Spacing
This style is quite popular among the designers, as it gives a simple touch to the logos. It creates beautiful logos in simple ways. The design is created by carving out the white space from the black space and is capable of creating memorable, interesting, and expressive logos.
4. Dual Impact
Two contrasting colors are used to produce this impressive and impactful logo design. This dual impact style is sure to grab viewer's attention and make the users look at them twice.
5. Geometric and abstract polygon style
In the world of designing, Abstract designs and geometrical shapes are used to create a unique effect. It is sure to stand out among other logo styles, as it is not as complicated as it sounds.
6. Line Art
Keeping it simple, yet innovative is the key. This style is capable of creating a detailed marvel with its individually emphasised lines. These logos involve creating designs based on simple lines with significant impact.
7. Simplicity matters
Some brands dare to bare their bones. Stating the brand name with almost no other designing elements is what this style means.
8. App store influence
This style is highly influenced by the popular logos of app store. The logos are not necessarily crafted with details but simple and symbolical.
9. Blending lines
Who thought blending lines could create such beautiful and lasting impact? This pattern proves it all.
10. Gradient Mesh
From the name itself, we can understand that the gradient tools have a major part to play in the color blending of the logos created which are sure to have high impact on the target audience.

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Top 10 Most Successful Logo Designers

Designing a logo requires an exceptional eye for detail, a creative soul, a genuine passion for building brands and relentless focus on simplicity. Some of the most memorable logos have stood the test of time, and refused to be barred by cultural, regional or linguistic barriers. The world has seen a handful of visual visionaries, who have given us many of the iconic corporate logos that we take for granted. - See more at:

Read More about,  Top 10 Most Successful Logo Designers